DreamHouse Church Renovation
Update & Request
Dear DreamHouse Church Family and Friends,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who restores all things and holds all things together! Here is an update regarding our ongoing building renovation with a request I’m asking you to consider.
This past December our local church embarked upon an ongoing effort to renovate our building. Our leadership felt a re-minding in the Holy Spirit that being good stewards is a form of public witness to the Lordship of Jesus. Looking at our church building with fresh eyes we realized that this old, beloved vessel needs significant TLC. We formed a renovations committee and put together a long list of things that need attention. We asked for $35,000 and, praise God, our goal was quickly met, giving us the capability to do significant work that included: righting the foundation of the building, installing new drainage around the building, landscaping, upgrading our electrical panel, fixing ceiling in sanctuary, painting our sanctuary space and children’s classrooms, purchasing a new sound system and stage lights, purchasing storage units for children’s classrooms, and purchasing new carpet for the entirety of our building.
With all of this done there is still more to do. Today we are asking for you to pray and consider being a partner with us in completing this renovation. Would you consider giving a financial gift to help us be faithful to fulfill the Lord’s leading? The vision of our church has always been focused on bringing people to God through Jesus Christ to receive grace moving out from alienation to God and neighbor into sonship with Father God and belonging to one another in community. This was the Holy Spirit fire that lit the flame of the church on the day of Pentecost. God’s Spirit is active and alive today. It is our desire to provide a house of worship and praise that is both a resting place and a training ground for equipping God’s people as ambassadors for Christ and ministers of reconciliation.
We have more work to do which includes installing a new sidewalk to give access to our building to those who use walkers and wheelchairs, replacing the hall flooring in our entryway, replacing curtains for the sanctuary, trim work for windows, renovating our kitchen (including paint, electrical, refrigerator, flooring, hardware), installing new steps, insulating our air conditioning/heating system, and replacing our street sign.
To complete the work before us we need an additional $20,000. We are hoping to have these additions and repairs completed by November 1, 2021. Will you help us? Will you pray and ask God to show you how you can partner with our vision? Please feel free to contact Pastor Scott (modernfather <at> gmail.com) if you have questions, concerns, or ideas.
Thank you so much for considering sowing into this ministry. Scroll down for different ways in which you can give.
In His Name,
Pastor Scott & Charissa Crowder, Cheryl Turner, David Andrews, Allen & Debbie Kemp, Mary Crowder

How to make an impact
- Send a check via mail to: DreamHouse Church at our treasurer's address, ATTN: DreamHouse Church, 702 Soho Street, Hampton, VA 23666
- To give via PayPal and not accrue fees, use your personal PayPal account, and look for 'dreamhouse757@gmail.com' to send money to; choose "Friends and Family" as the type of recipient. Our account is Christian Fellowship Church which is our original church name from our founding in 1978.
- We also have the ability to receive gifts of stock.
- If you have any other questions regarding how you can give, email us at DreamHouse757@gmail.com